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Easy Tossed Salad

fresh vegetables
1 Tbl. olive oil
1/2 tsp. wine vinegar
All-Purpose Pleasoning®  OR  Frank's Blend Pleasoning® OR  Seafood Pleasoning®

Cut up vegetables, season with Pleasoning® of choice. Toss well, add olive oil (more or less depending on salad size) and toss again. Add wine vinegar and toss. Adjust to taste.


Pleasoning Gourmet Seasonings specializes in seasoning blends for everything from our popular All-Purpose Pleasoning to Bloody Mary Mix, Bar-B-Que Seasoning, Garlic-Garlic, Low-Sodium blends and more! We offer a number of seasoning blends, Combo Seasoning Packs, Dietitian Recommended Seasoning Blends, Gluten/Wheat Free Seasoning Blends, and MSG Free Seasoning Blends available.